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Lists a directory from remote environment with additional info.

myFiles.GetDir2(options: FileTransferOptions):Array<RemoveFileInfo>


FileTransferOptions options
    of transfer



Options for file transfer operations.

Password : string
The password to authenticate with on the remote environment. Optional.

Port : number
The port number of the remote environment. Optional.

Protocol : ( "FTP" | "FTPS" | "SFTP" | "HTTP" | "HTTPS" )
The protocol to use for file transfer. Optional. The default is

RemoteHost : string
The IP address or host name of the remote environment.

RemotePath : string
The path of the file on the remote environment.

UserName : string
The username to authenticate with on the remote environment. Optional.


Information about a file that is removed.

IsDirectory : boolean
A value indicating whether the file is a directory.

Name : string
The name of the file.