Allows to call rest services with JSON or XML content types. Rest service operations consist of objects RestClient and RestRequest, RestResponse.
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Creating Rest Client¶
To create a client use $Rest.Create method by providing the rest RestRequest.Url | service base url .
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Authenticating Rest Client¶
Some of rest services may require the authentication. Emakin supports the OpenAuth2 based authentication services and to create a authenticated client please specify the service and identity as below; This method acquires a authentication token from service and ensures client is authenticated. If token cannot be acquired from service RestClient.EnsureAuthenticated method throws a javascript exception. You can also use RestClient.IsAuthenticated property and RestClient.Authenticate method to perform same operation without error handling.
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Creating Rest Request After creating client connection you can create rest request and populate parameters as below;
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Every request created with resource url address to added to client base url. Request url may contain parameters to build a dynamic url address like 'sitePath' parameter below;¶
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Populating Rest Request¶
You may also set http headers with RestRequest.AddHeader method. Some rest methods requires JSON or XML based body and you can specify the content of request with RestRequest.AddObject or RestRequest.AddXml methods.
Fetching Rest Response¶
After Request populated you can call the RestRequest.Execute method to execute and fetch RestResponse object. Execute method by default does not perform any error check. If you want to be sure request has successfully executed please use RestRequest.Expect method to specify expected status code.
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Rest Request Methods¶
You can also use RestRequest.Get , RestRequest.Delete , RestRequest.Put , RestRequest.Post , RestRequest.Patch methods to call service with corresponding method or you can manually set the RestRequest.Method before executing. If service always returns JSON or XML you can use RestRequest.ExecuteJson or RestRequest.ExecuteXml method to fetch response as JSON object or XML navigator.
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