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Lists all activity entries associated with a specific object.

$ActivityStream.List(objectId: string, objectType: ( `"null"` | string ), type: ( `"null"` | string )):Array<ActivityEntry>


string objectId
    The ID of the object for which to fetch activities.

( "null" | string ) objectType
    The type of object (e.g., "case", "instance", "process", "version", "workitem"). Optional.

( "null" | string ) type
    The type of activity to filter by (e.g., "share", "update", "assign"). Optional.


An array of ActivityEntry objects representing the activities.


Listing activities:

let list = $ActivityStream.List($Xml.Evaluate('CaseId'), 'case', 'share');



Represents a single entry in the activity stream.

@type : string
The type of activity being performed (e.g., "share", "update", "assign").

actor : ( string | Identity )
Specifies the actor (user or system) performing the activity.

attachments : Array<( string | ActivityEntryAttachment )>
An array of attachments related to the activity. Attachments can be specified as

objectId : string
The ID of the object that the activity is related to. This is a required property.

objectType : string
The type of object that the activity is related to (e.g., "case", "customer"). This is a required property.

publishedAt : DateTimeOffset
The date and time when the activity occurred. Defaults to the current date and time.

targets : Array<ActivityTarget>
Target audience for the activity.


Represents an attachment to an activity stream entry.

@type : ( "file" | "link" | "video" )
The type of attachment. Defaults to "file".

  • "file": Represents a file attachment.
  • "link": Represents a URL link.
  • "video": Represents a video.

id : string
The file ID of the attachment.


Defines the target audience for an activity, specifying who should see the activity. At least one of type or targetId is required.

@type : ( "Identity" | "Everyone" | "Members" | "Public" )
Specifies the type of target audience. Defaults to "Identity".

  • "Identity": Targets a specific user or group identity.
  • "Everyone": Targets all authenticated users.
  • "Members": Targets all members of a channel.
  • "Public": Targets everyone, regardless of authentication status.

notify : boolean
Specifies whether a push notification should be sent to the target audience. Defaults to

targetId : string
The ID of the target identity, used when