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XPath Functions

XPath 1.0 standard includes the following of functions. Please see for more information.

  • last()
    returns the last item from a node set
  • position()
    returns the position of node
  • count()
    returns the number of nodes in a node set
  • id()
    returns the id attribute of node
  • local-name()
    returns the local name of a node
  • namespace-uri()
    returns the namespace uri of a node
  • name()
    return the name of a node
  • string()
    converts the given argument to string
  • concat()
    concatenates two or more strings and returns the resulting string
  • starts-with()
    checks whether the first string starts with the second string and returns true or false
  • contains()
    determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string and returns boolean true or false
  • substring-before()
    returns a string that is the part of a given string before a given substring
  • substring-after()
    returns a string that is the rest of a given string after a given substring
  • substring()
    returns a part of a given string
  • string-length()
    returns the length of string
  • normalize-space()
    strips leading and trailing white-space from a string
  • translate()
    translates a set of characters and returns the translated string
  • boolean()
    evaluates an expression and returns true or false
  • not()
    evaluates a boolean expression and returns the opposite value
  • true()
    returns a boolean value of true
  • false()
    returns a boolean value of false
  • lang()
    determines whether the context node matches the given language and returns boolean true or false
  • number()
    converts an object to a number and returns the number
  • sum()
    returns a number that is the sum of the numeric values of each node in a given node-set
  • floor()
    evaluates a decimal number and returns the largest integer less than or equal to the decimal number
  • ceiling()
    evaluates a decimal number and returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the decimal number
  • round()
    returns a number that is the nearest integer to the given number

Emakin Specific Functions

In addition to standard functions, Emakin also supports the following functions as a helper.