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A task represents a step in the process diagram. Normal tasks assign work items to users. Each normal task requires a role definition; otherwise, the task is assigned to the workflow initiator.

Tasks can be defined as user tasks or module tasks to execute automated steps within a workflow. Each task has a list of actions that facilitate completing the step in a workflow.

For information on module tasks, please refer to the module tasks documentation.

You can configure the following properties for a task:

Name (Not visible on diagram)

The name of the task, used for identification purposes. This name is not visible to end-users.


The caption of the task, displayed to users. Captions can be localized and may contain data templates expressions to incorporate data from the data model.


The type of the task, which can be either Normal or Module.

Is Start Point?

Specifies whether the task is the starting point of a workflow.

Is Case Handler?

When selected, the task-related form is used in the case.

This option is visible only when the task is a start point.


Descriptive text that provides guidance to assigned users on what they must do to complete the task. Example: "Please review expense payment request."

Data templates can be used to dynamically populate instructions using data from the data model.


Specifies the role assigned to the task. Tasks can share roles if they are assigned to the same users. If unspecified, the task will be assigned to the workflow initiator.

Allow Forwarding?

Select "yes" to allow the task to be forwarded to another user. When a task is forwarded, it is reassigned to the selected user, and it is not considered complete until the forwarded user completes the task.

You may want to disable forwarding in cases where a task must be completed only by the assigned user.

Allow Delegation?

Select "yes" to allow the task to be listed in the delegated user's task list.

If the task contains private information, you may prevent accidental delegation by disabling this option.

Work List Tags

Tags that are attached to work items for this task. These tags are used to filter work items in the work list and are combined with pool tags to create a single tag list for the work item.

Multiple tags can be separated by commas or semicolons.

Work list tags support data templates expressions.

Participant Access Scope

Specifies the access scope used when the task is assigned to an anonymous user. Access scopes are defined in the access scopes page and limit the operations that the user can perform.


Specifies whether this start point is displayed to regular users. This option is visible only when the task is a start point.

This option is useful if you want to start a workflow only through API calls rather than by regular users.

Condition to Initiate

An XPath expression that determines whether the task can be initiated. The expression is evaluated from the active case profile.

This option is only available for start-type tasks and case handler tasks. It can be used to prevent tasks from being initiated under invalid conditions.

Execute Delay

Check this field to process the task in a delayed context.

By default, Emakin executes task steps in a synchronized context until the task is assigned to a user or the workflow is completed. When this field is checked, the workflow engine pauses execution at the task, commits the current state to the database, and performs the remaining execution in another transaction.

This option is useful for ensuring the current state is saved before performing subsequent operations within a separate error-checking context.


A script that is executed before the task is assigned to the role. For more information, please refer to the Task Prework Script section.


A script that is executed after the task is completed. For more information, please refer to the Task Postwork Script section.


A list of overridden Pool variables within a task's scope. For more information, please refer to the pool documentation.


Highlighted icons indicate enabled properties. The context menu provides access to additional properties beyond those listed in the options.


Configures a notification that is sent when a task is assigned. Disabled by default.

Send Notify Message: Enable or disable the notification.

Template: Select a notification template. Available only if message templates are defined.

First Reminder

Configures a reminder notification if the task remains incomplete after assignment. The default reminder time is 30 minutes.

Duration: Specifies the duration before the first reminder is sent. The duration can be selected from a list or manually entered in "d.hh:mm:ss" format.

Template: Select a reminder template. Available only if message templates are defined.

Repeating Reminder

Configures recurring reminders until the task is completed. Disabled by default. Use this feature carefully to avoid notification overload.

Duration: Specifies the interval between recurring reminders. The duration can be selected from a list or manually entered in "d.hh:mm:ss" format.

Template: Select a reminder template. Available only if message templates are defined.


Configures a deadline and an associated action to take when the deadline is reached.

Duration: Specifies the deadline duration after task assignment. The duration can be selected from a list, manually entered in "d.hh:mm:ss" format, or set dynamically using a prework script.

Action: Specifies the action taken when the deadline is reached. This is not required unless auto-completion is desired.

Template: Select a deadline notification template. Available only if message templates are defined.


Configures watcher roles for the task. Watchers receive notifications but cannot interact with the task. Watched tasks are labeled "Watched" in user work lists.

Watcher Role: Specifies the watcher role.

Send Notify Message: Enable or disable notifications for watchers.

Template: Select a watcher notification template. Available only if message templates are defined.