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Add Tags To Process

The use of tags in the job list makes job tracking easier. This section shows how to assign tags to the process as created, how appear in the workflow after tags are assigned, and how they are sorted.


  • This example is divided into several sections. After the process is done and completed in the specified order, tags are demonstrated on tasks on the worklist.

Create a Folder

  • First, need to create a new folder from the folders section.
  • Presses the “+New Folder” inside of all folders.
  • “Expense Form” as the name of the folder and “Application” as the folder type is okay for the process.

Create a Process

  • To create a process, enter a process name in the field on the right side of the folder and click the blue plus button.

  • Press the edit button to design the process.

  • On the page that opens, "Pool" is selected under the Pools heading.

Create a Task

  • Click on the pool to start the process design.
  • The first green box that appears on the screen is the opening task.
  • Click on the “task” name on the green box and enter the name “Expense Form”.
  • Click on the Add New action button on the right side of the task and the text becomes editable.
  • After editing the text and pressing enter on the keyboard, the first button is created. The first action name is “Submit”.

  • Clicks the Submit button and click “Add New Task”.
  • A second orange task is opened with the arrow in the middle.
  • Two names, Approve and Reject, are written on the buttons.

  • Thus, a second task is created in the same process.
  • Move the mouse over the Reject button in the second task.
  • A red dot appears above the button.

  • Then, catch the red square from the reject button
  • Then, drag and drop to the left of the Expense Form task.

Create a Form

  • After creating a task, necessary to design a form for the Expense Form.
  • Enters the form under the “forms” heading on the same page as the task.

  • A blank page opens
  • When clicking on the blank part of the page, the form's menu appears.

  • Click “Add New”, and the “Layout Controls” list opens in the menu that appears.
  • Click on “Row Control” from within Layout Controls.

  • Click "Create new section here".

  • Enter the section name. Section name

  • Then press ok.

  • There is a column in the row content section of the form.
  • Click on Column and click to “Add New” from the menu that appears..
  • “List Control” opens from the menu.
  • Selects the “Table Content”.

  • Enters the Table Name, Table Row Name, and Table columns.
  • Enters 2 columns by clicking Add New.

  • Go to Column and click on add new.
  • The list added by pressing Add New is a static list. Fill in the static list, Travel, Hotel, Ticket etc.
  • Then, the form design part is done.

Add Tags To The Process

  • There are two options to add Tag to the created process.

Add Tags To The Process Staticly

  • The same tags are displayed each time a new process is started.
  • Go back to the pool tab under "Close.”

  • The icon to the left of the instance is called prework.
  • In the first option, add Tags To The Process by clicking on Prework.
  • The code on the [Instance.Tags] page edits and writes on the opening page.
$Instance.Tags = ["Tags", "Added", "To", "Instance"];
  • Then, returns to the Pool tab again.
  • After typing the code, the prework icon turns white.

  • The first option is done by following these steps above.

Add Tags To The Process Dynamically

  • Each time a new process is started, the newly entered data is displayed as tags.
  • There is another way to add tags to the process.
  • The icon on the right side of the Expense Form is called postwork.
  • Performs a transaction via postwork in the second option.
  • When filling out the postwork, the prework must be empty.
  • Click on Postwork.
$Instance.Tags = $Xml.SelectAll('Process/ExpenseList/Expense', function(type) {
   return type.Evaluate('ExpenseType/Text');
  • The above code snippet is written in the postwork of the Expense Form.
  • Then postwork icon turns white.

Usage Of Form

  • Presses the green close button to exit the page.

  • On the page that opens, click “Commit Changes” to save the changes made.
  • Then, press the close button to go to the previous page.

  • Then, the created form appears with the name given to the task.

  • Next comes the created form.

  • The process is confirmed by pressing the Confirm button above.

  • Waits on the next page.


  • Click "Worklist" from the Emakin menu on the side.

  • Tags written in the most recent worklist appear in alphabetical order.
  • The name of the process also appears among the tags.
  • The tags added in the first way (statically) made with prework are as in the photo.

  • When the form does with the other option (dynamically), the result is different.
  • Selects one of the options (Ticket, Travel, or Hotel) as the expense type.
  • After selecting the expense type and pressing submit, enters the worklist.
  • Selected in Expense Type appears as a tag in the worklist.