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Assigning a Tag to a Case in CRM Channel

With the tag(s) to be assigned to the case(s) created within the group channel, it will both classify the case(s) and facilitate relations with customers. In this phase, this situation will be explained by creating a group channel called CRM.

Case serves to manage more than one process and can be created more than one within the group channel.


  • This example is divided into several sections. Creating processes and adding tag steps should be done in the order given below.

Create a Folder

  • Emakin's home page has a main menu on the left that starts with "Search, Home Page, ...".

  • From the Emakin main menu on the left of the page, select "All Folders" under the Folders heading.

  • It is necessary to create a folder to put the process in.

  • A blank page opens with the "+New Folder" button at the top.

  • Press the "+New Folder" button from top of the page.

  • A list opens with the Folder Name field and the Folder Type menu.

  • “Order Information” is entered as the folder name.

  • The folder Type remains “Application”

  • Then press Ok.

  • The folder has been created.

  • Folder Name (Order Information) appears at the top of the page that opens after pressing Ok

Create a Process

  • Since the folder is newly opened, there is no process in it. Therefore, there is no item on the list.

  • To create a process, click on "Create a new process" on the right.

  • Enter "Order Information" as a process name in the field and click the blue plus button.

  • Since the form will be created here, “form” is added to the end of the name.

  • Process opened.

  • A page opens with process information such as the name of the process, the person who opened it, and its version.

  • Click on "Edit" to create and design the form.

  • A tab with "process" opens at the top.

  • Select "Pool" under the Pools heading.

Create a Task

  • Click on the pool to start the process.

  • The initial task (green box) and form design options appear below the pool tab.

  • Each task represents a person in the process.

  • In other words, the "initial task" is for the first person to fill out the form.

  • Press to initiate the task.

  • The menu for the task appears on the right.

  • Change the name to “Order Information Request"

  • The caption changes automatically with the same

  • When clicking on the Add New button on the right twice, the text becomes editable.

  • Write “Submit” on the button.

  • Click the Submit button, and a gray "Add New Task” appears on the right side of the button.

  • Press "Add New Task."

  • A new task named "Task” appears on the side.

  • The name of the yellow task is changed to "Order Information Check"

  • The name of the side button changes to "Submit.”

  • 2nd button will be “Reject”

  • The icon to the right of each task is called "postwork".

  • Click on Complaint Approval's postwork.

  • The script page opens under the Postwork Script tab.

  • The following code is entered on the page.

var tag = $Xml.Evaluate('ComplaintForm/ProductType/Text'); 
var tags = $Xml.Evaluate('ComplaintForm/NameSurname'); 

$Case.Tags = [tags , tag];
  • The above code specifies the tags to be added in dropdown and text.

  • After the code is written, it is returned to the "pool" tab from the top.

  • After the postwork is filled, turns white.

  • When one clicks the task, a blue line appears around it, and the side menu changes.

  • Tick the box under the “Is Case Handler?" title.

Create a Form

  • After creating a task, it is necessary to design a form for the Order Information.

  • Enters the form under the “forms” heading on the same page as the task.

  • A blank page opens

  • When clicking on the blank part of the page, the form's menu appears.

  • Click “Add New”, and the “Layout Controls” list opens in the menu that appears.

  • Click on “Row Control” from within Layout Controls.

  • Click "Create new section here".

  • Enter the section name.

  • Section names need to be combined.

  • Then press ok.

  • After the row content is created, the side menu opens.

  • The name can be changed from the label.

  • There is a column in the row content section of the form.

  • Select “Columns” from the gray menu under Row Content.

  • Choose the one that is split in half.

  • There are two equal columns in the same row content

  • Add row content (OrderInformation) to both columns by pressing the column.

  • Added two row contents side by side with the title "OrderInformation".

  • Press the column of the row content on the left.

  • Press "Add New and add "text" from the input controls.

  • Enter "CustomerNameSurname" in the field name.

  • Then press Ok.

  • The name of the column can be edited by pressing CustomerNameSurname.

  • Press the column of row content on the left.

  • Add "dropdown" from input controls to this column.

  • Write "ProductType" in the field name.

  • Row content has been created.

  • The name of this row content is also edited in the same way.

  • Since the options will be added from here, keep the list type as a static list.

  • Press the dropdown

  • Press the "data source" tab from the dropdown menu on the side

  • Press “+Add New” under the Static list items.

  • Press the pencil to add items to the list.

  • Initially, the list is empty.

  • Items can add by pressing +Add New.

  • Then press Ok

  • Items added to the list

  • The final form of the created form is like this;

  • but when running this process the lines are not visible and the header is in the middle

  • Then, the form design part is done.

Saving Changes and Exiting the Process

  • Press the green "close" button from the top and go back to the edit page.

  • Then clicks the green “Commit Changes” button.

  • Press the "close" button at the top of the page.

Create a Channel

  • A channel is opened to follow up on potential customers.

  • Click "+", which is next to the GROUP CHANNELS text on the Emakin main menu on the side.

  • If the public is selected as the type, everyone can see and join. Only those who have been invited will be able to use the private option.

  • Enter “Customer Complaints” into the channel name.

  • Purpose can be left blank. If the purpose is written, anyone who is on the channel can see it.

  • The "Enable Case" heading remains ticked because there is a case that also has a case.

  • Then, press OK.

  • The Customer Complaints channel was opened.

Add Associated Process to Channel

  • Since the channel has just been opened, there are no cases in it yet.

  • Click on the name of the channel above and press "Edit”.

  • Then, "Related Process" is clicked on the tabs on the Edit Channel page that appear.

  • Click the blue "+ Add New" button.

  • The new line appears.

  • Click on Process in the line that appears.

  • The new line appears.

  • Click on Process in the line that appears and select “Complaint Form”

  • After pressing Ok, the channel opens.

Creating a Case in the Channel

  • The case is created in order to keep track of the total advances and expenses of the team members.

  • Press the blue "+ New Case" button at the top of the page.

  • The Case Information window opens.

  • Enters the subject of the case.

  • Press Ok.

  • The case is opened.

Start the Process

  • On the case page, the Order Information Request appears under the "Processes" heading on the side.

Adding Tags on the Started Process

  • When the process starts, the created form opens.

  • Writes the customer’s name, and surname, and selects the product type.

  • Press the "Submit” button.

  • Click the blue "yes" button in the comment box that appears.

  • The Order Information Check task opens in a new tab.

  • Submit the Order Information Check to finish the process.

  • Then, the system goes to the main page in the same tab.

Checking the Added Tag

  • Going back to the previous browser tab before completing the process

  • At this point, the system tag is added to the case according to the filled ones.

  • There is another way to check the added tag.

  • Emakin’s main menu opens with the hamburger button in the upper corner.

  • Click on the channel name in Group Channels.

  • The added tag appears with the form under the "Open Cases" tab.