Emakin utilizes various workers to execute routine tasks such as processing work items, running scheduled tasks, updating XML and full-text databases, sending emails, and more.
This page allows you to manage workers by adding custom settings that override their default job handling parameters. For detailed information about background jobs, please refer to the Background Jobs page.
Each worker type has its default job handling parameters. Add a new worker configuration to override these default values.
Exercise caution when making these configurations, as incorrect settings can disrupt job processing performance.
Select a worker type from the dropdown to adjust its settings.
The priority parameter specifies the importance of jobs. Higher-priority jobs are processed before lower-priority ones.
Timeout Period¶
Specify a time threshold for jobs to continue executing.
If no errors occur during processing but the time threshold is exceeded, the job will transition to an error state. Leave this field empty to use the default value.
Delete After Period¶
Specify the time period for completed or aborted jobs to remain in the system before automatic maintenance jobs delete them. Leave this field empty to use the default value.
Maximum Retry Count¶
Specify the maximum number of execution retries for the worker. If a job fails after reaching the retry count, it will proceed to the maximum retry state. Leave this field empty to use the default value.
Retry Period¶
Specify the retry interval when a job fails. Leave this field empty to use the default value.
Maximum Retry State¶
The final job result after the maximum retry count has been exceeded.
Error State¶
Specify the state the job will transition to when it fails.
Alert Errors?¶
Enable alert notifications when a job fails.
Alert Abort?¶
Enable alert notifications when a job is aborted.
Alert to System Admin?¶
Specify who receives alert notifications for this worker.