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Login Services

This section allows you to configure the login services that are permitted for accessing the application. While Emakin provides its own login service, it also supports integration with various external login services. You can configure multiple login methods, customize their display names on the login page, and enable or disable them as needed.



Login Service

Select a login service from the dropdown menu. The available login services are:

  • Emakin: The built-in login service of Emakin. It is configured by default in all applications.
  • Active Directory: Allows integration with your Active Directory service for authentication.
  • Google: Allows integration with the Google login service for authentication.
  • Office365: Allows integration with the Office365 login service for authentication.
  • LinkedIn: Allows integration with the LinkedIn login service for authentication.
  • E-Devlet: Allows integration with the E-Devlet login service for authentication.

Login Service

Specifies the type of login service. In addition to the built-in Emakin and Active Directory services, other integrated OpenAuth services can also be used for login.


The identifier of the login service that is displayed to end-users.

Is Enabled?

Specifies whether the service is enabled. If disabled, the service is not displayed to users.

Requires 2FA

Specifies whether two-factor authentication (2FA) is required. If enabled, users must enter a 2FA code (e.g., SMS) after successful service login. Emakin automatically handles 2FA provisioning (e.g., registering the user's mobile number).


Specifies the OpenAuth scopes requested from the service. This setting is displayed only for integrated services and is not available for built-in services.